Tuesday, April 10, 2012

March to the Championship

Rylee was extremely confident this year in Kentucky's ability to win the title. She later confessed she had been giving Coach Cal coaching tips all year long. Clearly, she is our lucky charm. She throws her arms in the air and shouts "Go Cats!" on command and, sometimes, for no apparent reason whatsoever. She was very into the tournament this year and is already working on a new crop of cheers for next year. 

 Here she is stocking the coolers for a day of St. Patty's Day parades and March Madness festivities...

 Wonder whose kid this is... what almost 2 year old gets this excited about BWW?

 New game day tradition: pink horsey pushing (not riding... pushing)...

 ...and puddle splashing

My favorite combination sous chef/cheerleader ready for the national title game!! 

After the big win, she got so excited she busted right out of her diaper!

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