Friday, April 13, 2012

Funny Bunny

Rylee was the only benefactor of the Bunny at our house this year since it was not our weekend to have her brothers. She didn't seem to mind too much. There was so much excitement with egg hunts and egg dying and the Easter Bunny coming to visit, she hardly noticed the boys weren't there. She loved the egg dying experience SO much, she cried when we were done. And she has been asking to dye eggs ever since. How do you explain that that's kind of a once a year thing?

"Put the camera down, Mommy! I am ready to get messy!"

 Say "EGGIE!"

 "Oh boy, oh boy, is it my turn yet??"

Creating a masterpiece

Going at the basket full speed ahead. (Please do not ask what Mommy's face is all about in the background. No one is sure.)

Easter basket goodie grins

 So young and already cheating... she watched Memaw hide the eggs.

And she's off!!

 Found one!

One down, five to go...

 "Back off, Daddy, this chocolate is mine."

What says Easter like strawberries and whipped cream?

The annual assault of Memaw's singing Easter creature collection

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