Friday, August 10, 2012

A Hands On Experience

We spend a lot of time at the regular zoo, but we recently discovered a place nearby called Henry's Ark. It's a petting zoo. Coincidentally, Henry was Noah's in-ark veternarian, so he knows an awful lot about animals. Rylee had a great time petting and feeding all the different animals. She wanted to bring some of them home.

 SO excited about goats.

 "Hellllooooo in there!"

 She wasn't real sure about these deer at first. They, clearly, were not shy. She kept telling them not to eat her sunglasses. She was very concerned.

 "Hey, what are you????"


 Took her a minute to realize this was not a real frog.

 "Next time I'll bring my bunny, Pebbles, to hang out with you, Mr."

Apparently, deers like celery, NOT sunglasses. Once she figured this out, we were good to go.

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