Friday, August 3, 2012

Mommy is Behind, Part 3: Island Time

July means birthdays times two in our house. This year, Brendan turned THIRTEEN (yikes) and Aidan turned 10. So, we made our annual birthday trip to King's Island. We spent two days there, the first day at the regular part of the park and the second day mostly at the water park. Everyone was exhausted when we got home, which is usually a good sign that we all had lots of fun.

 Almost immediately, Aidan won Rylee this stuffed pickle, who she felt certain was Larry the Cucumber from Veggie Tales. They're inseperable.

 Checking out some of the Peanuts gang (moments later she got up the nerve to hug her and then promptly bolted)

 Mommy wasn't allowed to ride hardly any rides, but she didn't miss waiting in lines. Here is the rest of the crew waiting in a looooong line while Mommy snapped pics from down below.

 You probably can't tell, but that's an Eiffel Tower view of Mommy walking a napping Rylee around the park.


 First big girl ride all by herself and they pair her with some strange, older boy. I predict this is not the last older boy that will be trying to drive her around.

 Daddy and Aidan taught her how to put her hands up on this thrill ride
 I really think she only came for the strawberries and whipped cream

 Trying to win an Angry Bird

 Firework Awe

 Splishin' and a splashin'

 Ready for the rapids

 Showing the water who's boss

 Hey! Mommy can ride this one! (You can hardly see her, but that's Rylee's little hand waving to Daddy down there too)

"Thanks for the car, Mom, I'll be back by curfew! Byeeeeeeeeeeee!"

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